Kia Orana! Ko Maraea toku ingoa and I am a year 6 in Papakura Central School Auckland NZ.
Monday, 13 December 2021
Monday, 6 December 2021
Monday, 8 November 2021
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Friday, 1 October 2021
T3 W10 Writing The Body's Sensations
The 5 Important Body’s Senses
As we know our bodies senses like our hearing , our sense of smell , our sense of sight , our sense touch , sense of taste, the mighty four senses of our body. But have you ever wondered “How does my bodies senses work and how do they help me?” Well to day i’m going to be explaining to you on how our four important body senses work!
Sense of Hearing
Hearing is the ability to detect sounds , both humans and animals are able to have this ability because of an organ part in your body called “ear” and which is located on the side of your left and right side of your head. We call it “an ear” but that’s the name of the outer part of your ear , the inner part of your ear is called “inner ear” the inside of your ear. The outer ear is the first step of hearing , it directs sound energy down the auditory canal and towards the ear drum. Sound that passes through the eardrum is simplified into one amplitude , that is easily detected by the inner ear and gets transmitted to the brain. The inner ear is a hollow cavity that is filled with a liquid and lined with hair like structures that are sensitive to sound , so when sound passes through into the liquid of the inner ear it applies pressure on the tiny hairs , this triggers a signal to the brain which it classifies as a particular sound. Your sense of balance depends on primarily on the vestibular system which is also located in your inner ear and the moment you close your eyes , your ears can’t correlate and you will start losing balance.
Sense of Touch
Your sense of touch is your skin having immediate contact with the world around you , and using your sense of touch allows you to tell if something is hot or cold , dull or sharp , rough or smooth , wet or dry. The skin is packed with different receptors each type responds to different sensations and although your brain receives messages all the time , your brain does filter out the less important ones. That’s why it’s explained that your skin isn’t aware of the clothes that you wear on your body. The most sensitive parts of your body contains most touch receptors in them , and for an example of some sensitive parts of your body it could be your lips , fingertips and your toes they are all are sensitive touch receptors throughout your body.
Sense of Taste
Our sense of taste is a sensation where you have the ability to taste anything with the help of your taste buds , and if your wondering what are taste buds? Taste buds are sensory organs that are found on you tongue and allow you to experience tastes that are sweet , sour , salty , or bitter. If you wanna see your taste bids just stick your tongue out and look in the mirror , see those bumps? Those bumps that you see on your tongue they are called “papillae” (pronounced
Puh - PILL - ee) and most of them contain taste buds. Taste buds have very sensitive microscopic hairs called “microvilli” (pronouced mye - kro - VILL - eye) , those tiny hairs send messages to your brain about something tastes , so you know if it is sweet , sour , bitter , salty.
Sense of Smell
Our sense of smell is also one of the most important five sensations and this sense requires a an part if your body called “Nose”. Whenever we smell something , our nose and brain work together to make sense of hundreds of very tiny invisible particles , known as molecules or chemicals , that are floating around in the air. If we sniff , more and more of molecules can reach the roof of our nose/nostrils and it is easier to smell a smell. Since we do have two nostrils allows our brain to detect small differences in the number of molecules that reach each one , so we can follow a smell trail like tracker dogs. Have you ever tried finding where a smell is coming from? See how hard it gets with one nostril blocked. The sense of smell also helps taste food , because that's why food tastes bland whenever your nose is blocked.
Sense of Sight
Having the ability to see wth your eyes is a sense where you can take a view at everything and both humans and animals have this ability but that doesn’t mean everyone in the world has sight to see this world which I find personally sad. But anyways the sense of sight is required to have eyes and if your wondering “Why do I need eyes to see?” well.. The human eyes has different parts because some parts protect the eyes and while others parts are in charge of our vision (being able to see) and the parts that protect the eye are the eyebrows , eyelids , eyelashes , lacrimal glands. The eyelids open and close many times per minute and help the eye stay nice and moist , the lacrimal glands help clean the eye and takes away the germs and the dust that has contact with the eye. The parts of the eye that helps with vision are the iris , the pupils , the eye lens , and the retina.
Friday, 17 September 2021
If everyone in the world became vegetarian what would our society look like?
Purpose: To Narrate
If everyone in the world became vegetarian what would our society look like?
Imagine if there were no meat in our supermarkets… What would that look like?
Imagine if KFC had no meat on their menus , because they are a chicken based takeaway how would your taste buds feel? Would you still like to eat KFC?
Imagine if there was no meat at McDonald's , what would that taste like? How would your taste buds feel then? There would be less obesity and people would live longer in our society.
As a pacific islander meat is the main source of our diet , and we are known to be hard physical working people and meat is required to keep us solid and strong.
But in our days we don’t do as much physical work , yet we continue to still eat a good variety of meat which unfortunately leads us to health problems and a shorter life. Our people back in the stone age we would eat meat but we would do a lot of physical work which required a lot of stamina , when I mean work I mean they had to hunt , they had to scavenge , they had to wash the animal but now it only takes us 5 minutes to go either go to our local supermarket and get what we need or either go to takeaways and pick up our food. Some of us pacific islanders and others now could live off other things that's not meat and some of us can’t and with no meat in our society some of us could have a longer life span because we are healthier and doing less physical . But as for the animals they get to have more freedom knowing that we are not eating their kind (animals) and there would be more and more animals living freely and not being slaughtered for someones meal. Remember this is just a narrative , but who knows what if the day arrives and there was no meat. The animals would happy that they don’t get prepared for someones meal , but would we be happy knowing that our stomachs and taste buds might be craving meat? So just imagine the day arrives who knows , in five hours , in thirty minutes , in ten minutes , maybe tomorrow! And just imagine all of our meat just POOF! Gone!
How would you feel?
And would that effect you in anyway?
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Sunday, 5 September 2021
Friday, 3 September 2021
Shoud we open the borders? Writing Week 6 Term 3 2021
Should New Zealand open the borders?
Sadly there was an announcement made saying that the borders will be closed and as for me I was just two days away from flying to Napier , it really made me sad and upset but I had to remember it was for our own good and we have to accept that! So today's question is “Should New Zealand open the borders?”
Having the borders open can be fun because we could go on vacation to other countries or visit family and could catch up and stay with them! But that only one side of the story…
If New Zealand opens the borders and people had the opportunity to travel to New Zealand there might be a high chance that more and more people with have to get vaccinated just to keep safe from covid 19 , and as for workers like border workers such as air hostess,staff from the airport, or piolets there could be a possibility of where infected people come into the country which will bring anxiety and stress to border workers because those who might be travelling could be infected and they could also infect the border workers , so the strategy that might help border workers are to maybe minimise the staff. Border closure has also been frustrating and challenging for our athletes , because of lock down and covid 19 as well as the delta variant our , athletes can’t play their games and hopefully after this lock down our athletes can go back and continue playing their sports again with crowds and crowds of people .
As for the rest of New Zealand it could bring fear and anxiety to them too , not knowing that maybe the closes people to them could have been infected , and with more and more people coming from different countries it could make it a bit more difficult for the medical community to continue the race to vaccinate the entire nation/country to protect them from the virus and it is a big task a big job , but it is a big effort for New Zealanders. But also considering that it hasn't been announced that people 16 or under the age can’t get vaccinated yet , which leaves a million children and young people not vaccinated yet so then 20% of New Zealand haven’t been vaccinated but the rest of the 80% have been vaccinated and adding more people from different countries to the percentages leaves it unknown because , the medical community might not know if they have they are infected. So I personally agree with the restrictions of the borders we have now which means that I think we should leave the borders closed.
So that was my opinion but I really wanna know , what is yours? A little recap on what today question is , it is…
Should New Zealand open the borders?
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Week 5 Term 3 Reading Tasks!
Is Kapa Haka Good for you?
RT: Use evidence to back up your thinking opinion.
Is Kapa Haka Good for you?
You know that thing that the All Blacks do yeah you got it , the Haka! The All Blacks would do there Haka called “Ka Mate , Ka Mate.” before they start there rugby match. If your wondering “Why are we talking about this” , well the topic for today is Kapa Haka , and you may have heard what it is but if you haven’t heard it anywhere or don’t know what is it , it is a Maori activity of maori action songs with groups who preform them and people do this for another way of expressing their cultural identity. The Haka was also preformed by Maori warriors before battle to intimidate their enemies , by demonstrating their fierceness and strength , but that was back in the past when war begun between Maori warriors and their enemies. So the question for today is “Is Kapa Haka good for you?”
Kapa Haka gives an opportunity for Maori students to connect with the Maori culture, and it also give them the opportunity to express their identity as well , as gaining confidence through performance and stepping up as leaders and role models. Through Kapa Haka , students are able to experience a way of learning , and its not just Maori students who benefit from kapa haka , all other kinds of other cultural students can also benefit from kapa haka. Kapa Haka is good form of motivation and it introduces the world to maori culture , and it also gives students the confidence when they are doing it with their classmates and sometimes you could even preform in front of people , and students could even meet new people and begin new friendships while doing kapa haka! Kapa Haka is an awesome way of exercise and it includes singing dancing and others. Learning Kapa Haka you could also learn about the history of it if you willing to , but when I do Kapa Haka i feel strong and happy and who knows maybe you might be able to experience it too!
So it’s all up to you and it’s your decision to make if you want to try it , so what do you think...
Is Kapa Haka Good for you?
Friday, 20 August 2021
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Did you know video games are actually good for you?
RT: Use evidence to back up your thinking opinion
Are video games Good or Bad?
Gamers! For those who play video games and think it's bad to play and game , what if I told you that gaming/playing video games can actually help you through out your life and it could also help improve your life skills? Yes this may bring you excitement and joy knowing that playing video games could help you through out life , but it doesn't mean you start playing video games A LOT more often. So as you may know there were some hints on what the topic is about today , and you may have guessed it! Video games! So let's get started! :>
Starting off let's take a game Fortnite Battle Royal for an example , when keeping an eye out for your enemies and grabbing the best loot and changing your inventory without even looking at the controller , right there you are practically flexing your brain. Your brain loves challenges like this , and your brain could actually grow from playing video games . Playing video games can help and develop other skills too. For an example , video games teach you to never give up no matter how many times it takes to defeat the final boss or to defeat the last person standing to get the victory , no matter what , the persistence you use in video games reveals that hard work will help you achieve your goals , both inside the games and outside the games. To succeed in video games you can work as hard as you can but also try work smarter too. Trying to beat a very good player or the final boss with what looks like almost infinite hearts may not be as fun and simple if you use the same strategy over and over again , so that's why video games train you to solve problems by trying multiple a different solutions to win.
All though there are some people who choose violent games and playing those games can case people to be a bit more aggressive towards their surroundings.Sometimes there can be little kids at a pretty young age playing violent games , and doing that could effect them to be more and more aggressive towards their surroundings growing up. Plus it is hard to get active and get more exercise if you keep looking at a screen and plying video games all day and if kids continue to do this and it becomes a habit then they could get overweight and start to lose their connections with the rest world. Overdoing video games and regularly playing video games could effect important stuff like friendships and how good you could be doing in school. So yeah hope you learnt something from this and not all video games are bad but some could be , and remember...
Education come first before games
Friday, 13 August 2021
What do you think is better?
RT: Use evidence to back up your thinking opinion
Playing sport or Music?
Music and playing sport are two different things , playing sport can be really fun but at the same time it could be stressing but I tell you it can also be another way of exercise , and as for music I find it really calming well at least some music-. So the question is "What is better? Playing sport or music?"
According to suggests that exercise and sports triggers chemicals in the brain that can make you feel happier and relaxed. Team sports provide a chance to unwind and take part in an activity that improves fitness.If you play outside , you can benefit from fresh soothing air which is said to promote a goodnight sleep.Your heart is a muscle and it needs frequent exercise to help and keep it healthy , and with a healthy heart it could pump blood efficiently through your body. Your heart will improve in preformence when it is regularly challenged with exercise and fitness , which means playing sport is healthy for your heart and your body.
Secondly sport can help many people learn how to work together in a positive way "how?" you may ask well , people who are learning sport could learn and develop teamwork by collaborating and communicating with each other , to find and discover strategies on winning. Thirdly music , research has found that listening to calming/relaxing music let's the blood flow more easily through your body. Plus your mood could be boosted on what genre music it could be and since music can be boost your mood it could also boost your brains production. Music also eases pain by reducing stress levels and , music therapy can assist in pain management. Well to be honest it's all up to you sooo...
What do you think is better? Playing sport or Music?
Friday, 6 August 2021
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
I have something to say!
RT: Use evidence to back up your thinking opinions
Dear parents/caregivers!
As we know children these days play on their devices/electronics , and yes they may spend all day on playing games or watching videos and they barely get the time to interact with other things that doesn't include their devices. So I think it's time to make a change!
Starting off with decreasing the amount of time kids use their electronics and according to a website , kids spend an average amount of time around seven hours of looking at a screen without interacting with any family members or socialising with other things/people. But to be honest in my opinion age matters on how much screen time kids get , so I highly recommend kids between the age two and five should get at least an hour or less , per day and the reason why I recommend this for such a young age is because some kids can develop a small or even big addiction over electronics as they are growing up and they might not think of having a though or a opportunity to get off their device and interact with the world. As we continue on with the same subject we will now move onto how much screen time a teenager and a child gets , I also highly recommend that kids and teenagers should get the same amount of two to three hours on their devices considering that they might have homework to do , but if not they could spend some time with the family or playing outside and exercising and others! Now here are some methods that you can try to keep your children or child entertained!
1. Taking a walk!
Going on a walk is another any of exercising and it's also healthy for you! It also gives you the opportunity to connect with your child away from the noise inside of your home! If you do this more often your child will start to be more interactive with other things in the house as well as other things in the world!
2. Exploring new places!
There is always something new to explore something new to learn. Taking the time to explore with your child or children would definitely open your child's and your eyes to a new way of viewing in the world as well as having fun exploring the new places that you might have not discovered before!
3. Playing board games!
Found something gun? Hmm... Maybe a board game or maybe cards! Play maybe a game or two with the family and probably games that everyone will agree to play , or you and your family could go one by one playing each others games and if you couldn't finish one game that one family member wanted to play then you could have another night playing it! But if the family is busy throughout the week you could make a day when you and your family spend some quality time together! For an example Friday or Saturday! Here are my some games you and your family could play , I recommend these games fun and if you have any other games feel free to play them!
- Salut
- Last Card
- Match the cards
- Snap
- Go fish
4. Cooking!
Cooking might be a tough one for some parents and children , but I personally think starting off with something basic could help those who just started! You could probably search some videos up on google or safari or whatever browse you use or search some videos of tutorials and recipes on youtube! Not only does this give you the opportunity for you and your child/children to learn new skills but this also helps you bond and in the end you get a tasty treat!
Friday, 30 July 2021
Should we still have or not have zoos?
RT: Use evidence to back up your thinking opinion
NL:To explain my thinking
As we know about zoos, we know that they are , cool , and contain very beautiful animals for us to admire , but have you ever looked more in about zoos? Well that's why i'm here to talk about it today! So the question is "Should we have zoos or not?" For me in my opinion , i'm not on a side but just think about the suffering that the animals have to go through , and yes to all debates there are two sides and one of those sides i'm going to talk about now.
Firstly yes zoos may cage animals , but they also help with endangered species of animals and keep them in a safe and protected environment , as well as protecting the beautiful animals from poachers, predators , habitat loss and zoos also help them not to die of starvation. Secondly if a zoo has a breeding programme it is another way on how to protect endangered species of animals/insects , but at the same time the zoo may experience some difficulties such as finding suitable mates in the wild. Thirdly while at a zoo you can have a more realistic view/experience contact with the animals instead of looking and observing them through a device screen.
Fourthly keeping animals in cages to be on display with heaps of swarms of people looking at you , taking photos without permission , banging on the glass wall , heaps of loud noises and doing that gives the animals anxiety, and it scares them and looking from an animals point of view inside the zoo I would find it really unsettling. No offence but some zoos sadly fail to give the respect that the animals deserve and stating the fact on how much sufferings they go through and some people don't recognise how much hurt the animals behind cages are going through. I am closing this debate , but now its up to you and the question remains the same...
Should zoos still exist???
Friday, 25 June 2021
Bhangra information poster!
For this week we had to make a information poster about Bhangra! Bhangra is a energetic Punjabi folk dance that was created , by Punjabi farmers who were harvesting and doing their chores AND dancing to Bhangra at the same time.
What facts might YOU know about Bhangra?
Thursday, 24 June 2021
A Tweet Friendship! Cybersmart t2 W8
Thursday, 17 June 2021
The Elements to a Quality Blog Post
For Cybersmart learning I did "The Elements to a Quality Blog post" Here you can see my DLO on top of the description , and as you can see I have labeled where I have used that element and the blog post that I have chosen has came from my own blog and the DLO was part of my literacy for this week.
Click on the DLO picture for a link to the google drawing I have created it on!
Local Report of a Coyote
Local Report of a Coyote
P:To inform
For week 7 we could choose to do a information report about a animal that we have picked OR "We finally caught the suspect!" and we had to write what the consequences are , what the animal did , and how did they get caught.
While I was writing this report I learnt a few things , on how good coyotes can adapt to places (I found that very interesting ;3)
What is your favourite animal?
Coyotes are members of the dog family. Coyotes have greyish to yellowish to brownish fur , coyotes also have a black nose , yellow eyes and a long fury bushy tail. They can be found in the United States , Canada , and sometimes in mexico. The diet of a coyote is eating mammals , but they mostly prefer to eat freshly killed animals , but on the other hand they also like to eat birds along with snakes , and at the same time the season also depends on the food they eat like , when it’s winter or fall coyotes tend to eat fruits , vegetables , and berries. There is one difference between a dog , a wolf and a coyote , dogs and wolves run with their tails up but coyotes run with their tails down (Strange ain’t it!) If your wondering “Does a coyote make any noises , like barking or howling?” Well yes they do! Because each howl or bark or any other noise they make always has a meaning to present! Like when a coyote does a long howl that means that they are trying to signal the rest of the pack. But when a coyote does short barks that means that there is incoming danger , andd last but not least when a pack of coyotes are welcoming a new coyote to the pack they would yip. Most of the time when coyotes hunt they are most likely hunting alone or in pairs and sometimes even packs!
T2 W7 Stories , Dance , Culture
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Friday, 28 May 2021
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
My Identity Writing T2 W4
RT: “?” - Hide clues.
P: To describe
A: World Wide
My Identity
Kia orana! Ko Maraea toku ingoa and I am going to be disscussing about
my identity! I am a 10 year old female :d
(turning 11 in a month .~.) I am also a year 6 and
I go to PCS also known as Papakura Central School and my teacher
Whaea Sharlee also known as Ms Ghent.
My culture’s are Cook island , ½ tongan and mangian and im pretty sure
that there some a little
tiny bit more , and I was also born in Whakatane.
My hobbies are Drawing , Gaming , Watching Movies , Reading , Kapa haka ,
and being active and the sport I like playing is - WAIT!!! Lets play a
guessing game to find out what my favourite sport is! :D
- In this game you can’t move with the ball once you get it,
- try to guess the positions of the game . D , C , A Did you guess the sport?
- If you didn’t the answer was Netball!
- And the postions stood for -
- D - Defence
- C - Center
- A - Attack
“Do you have any pets?” Yes! I do I have a 2 dogs one is named
honey because her fur is coloured nice bright like , honey silk :>. The
other dog is named Ruby , and her fur is black and white and her
breed is a Shih Tzu. My favorite foods are Sushi and KFC. I always
try my best and I put as much effort as I can into doing in school
and also in sports and others! My favourite subjects in school has to
be maths and writing and reading (Which is kind of basically like all the subjects there are if im not wrong :>) I mostly like maths because seeing the strategies my classmates use during a number talk amazes me and it helps me improve in my maths strategies , and it gives me really good feedback what I could change and start about my math strategies :D.
By - Maraea/Riah .w.
Friday, 21 May 2021
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Being a Earth Bender Writing
RT: Hide clues - “?”
Date: 20/5/2021
P:To inform
A:World Wide
Being a Earth Bender.
Kia ora! Ko Maraea toku ingoa and the element that I got chosen to
be is a Earth bender!
Yes a Earth bender , today im going to be talking about information
of a Earth bender and some facts.
If by chance you would wanna know the personality of a Earth bender , then you
have came to the right place!
The personality of a Earth bender is: Muscular , tough, and direct, and
like all the other benders their techniques are based on doing and using there
powers on their own personalities.
If you are wondering “What can earth benders do?”
They can make earth armour! “And what are the earth materials needed for this?”
Well the normal rocks ,dust ,pebels , or even crystals that are surrounding them!
What Earth benders do is they mold the materials to form a muscular , tough ,indestructible earth armour.
As a Earth bender (myself) I have a companion pet , to find what is my companion pet let’s play a game of “Who am I?.”
“I can be VERY DANGEROUS , I can also detect anything only if I am given the scent of the person/object and I can find them throughout the whole entire world. I am combined with a giant anteater , a wolf, and a star nosed mole, I also live in The Earth kingdom.
(To have a little bit more of a hint look at this) Did you guess it? It was a Shirshu!
I also have a special weapon to use as a Earth bender!
Let’s play another game of “Who am I?” To figure out what the sword is :D
"The first word of my name means - "big knife" and I am a traditional sword used in 1937."
(Little bit of a hint ⇒ __dao sword ) Did you manage to get it? It was a dadao sword!
Wanna know your element? Watch this video , you will need a pencil and paper!
Thursday, 13 May 2021
Reading T2 W2 : Hobbies!
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Reading Term 2 Week 1: Jobs!
Friday, 16 April 2021
What I think houses would look like in the Future!
Thursday, 25 March 2021
My Editing in Writing!
RT: DWH- Describe What's Happening
Before I edited the paragraph in my writing
After I edited the paragraph in my writing!
This week I have been doing free writing in my journal! Today I have been learning about Editing, and today I got a paragraph in my free writing and I edited it to make it more interesting! As you can see above the writing there are 2 paragraphs that are the same but edited! The first paragraph contains what my writing looked like before I edited it, and the other paragraph is what it looked like after I edited it. Where I have highlighted is where I did the editing for e.g: scared face - fear upon their faces.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Week 7 Reading 2021
Friday, 19 March 2021
My Space Writing!
RT:To Describe characters thoughts and what their feeling
NL:To describe
My Space Writing!
(You look outside the window of my spaceship and I see…)
I look outside the window of my spaceship and I see a HUGE galaxy right infront of me!
I can see the earth and it reminds me of a swirl of wet paint on my piece of artwork.
I can also see the sun and it looks like a HUMUNGOS ball of flame it sets fire to my eyes.
Their are so many astroids just floating outside in space as if they were levitating rocks just being guided by a ghost gives me the shivers and makes me feel haunted~.
Jupiter reminds me of my nana’s floor boards just screecching as I walk on it, it also reminds me of the time i tried to sneak and grab food while everyone was sleeping but all I could hear was
Saturn’s ring reminds me of a hola hoop just swinging around me as if I was the center