Kia Orana! Ko Maraea toku ingoa and I am a year 6 in Papakura Central School Auckland NZ.
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Friday, 1 October 2021
T3 W10 Writing The Body's Sensations
The 5 Important Body’s Senses
As we know our bodies senses like our hearing , our sense of smell , our sense of sight , our sense touch , sense of taste, the mighty four senses of our body. But have you ever wondered “How does my bodies senses work and how do they help me?” Well to day i’m going to be explaining to you on how our four important body senses work!
Sense of Hearing
Hearing is the ability to detect sounds , both humans and animals are able to have this ability because of an organ part in your body called “ear” and which is located on the side of your left and right side of your head. We call it “an ear” but that’s the name of the outer part of your ear , the inner part of your ear is called “inner ear” the inside of your ear. The outer ear is the first step of hearing , it directs sound energy down the auditory canal and towards the ear drum. Sound that passes through the eardrum is simplified into one amplitude , that is easily detected by the inner ear and gets transmitted to the brain. The inner ear is a hollow cavity that is filled with a liquid and lined with hair like structures that are sensitive to sound , so when sound passes through into the liquid of the inner ear it applies pressure on the tiny hairs , this triggers a signal to the brain which it classifies as a particular sound. Your sense of balance depends on primarily on the vestibular system which is also located in your inner ear and the moment you close your eyes , your ears can’t correlate and you will start losing balance.
Sense of Touch
Your sense of touch is your skin having immediate contact with the world around you , and using your sense of touch allows you to tell if something is hot or cold , dull or sharp , rough or smooth , wet or dry. The skin is packed with different receptors each type responds to different sensations and although your brain receives messages all the time , your brain does filter out the less important ones. That’s why it’s explained that your skin isn’t aware of the clothes that you wear on your body. The most sensitive parts of your body contains most touch receptors in them , and for an example of some sensitive parts of your body it could be your lips , fingertips and your toes they are all are sensitive touch receptors throughout your body.
Sense of Taste
Our sense of taste is a sensation where you have the ability to taste anything with the help of your taste buds , and if your wondering what are taste buds? Taste buds are sensory organs that are found on you tongue and allow you to experience tastes that are sweet , sour , salty , or bitter. If you wanna see your taste bids just stick your tongue out and look in the mirror , see those bumps? Those bumps that you see on your tongue they are called “papillae” (pronounced
Puh - PILL - ee) and most of them contain taste buds. Taste buds have very sensitive microscopic hairs called “microvilli” (pronouced mye - kro - VILL - eye) , those tiny hairs send messages to your brain about something tastes , so you know if it is sweet , sour , bitter , salty.
Sense of Smell
Our sense of smell is also one of the most important five sensations and this sense requires a an part if your body called “Nose”. Whenever we smell something , our nose and brain work together to make sense of hundreds of very tiny invisible particles , known as molecules or chemicals , that are floating around in the air. If we sniff , more and more of molecules can reach the roof of our nose/nostrils and it is easier to smell a smell. Since we do have two nostrils allows our brain to detect small differences in the number of molecules that reach each one , so we can follow a smell trail like tracker dogs. Have you ever tried finding where a smell is coming from? See how hard it gets with one nostril blocked. The sense of smell also helps taste food , because that's why food tastes bland whenever your nose is blocked.
Sense of Sight
Having the ability to see wth your eyes is a sense where you can take a view at everything and both humans and animals have this ability but that doesn’t mean everyone in the world has sight to see this world which I find personally sad. But anyways the sense of sight is required to have eyes and if your wondering “Why do I need eyes to see?” well.. The human eyes has different parts because some parts protect the eyes and while others parts are in charge of our vision (being able to see) and the parts that protect the eye are the eyebrows , eyelids , eyelashes , lacrimal glands. The eyelids open and close many times per minute and help the eye stay nice and moist , the lacrimal glands help clean the eye and takes away the germs and the dust that has contact with the eye. The parts of the eye that helps with vision are the iris , the pupils , the eye lens , and the retina.